Intellectual Property Law
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Patent, Trademark, Copyright, Trade Secret, and other Intellectual Property Law
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Why is the copyright infringement case against Internet Archive important?
Internet Archive is defending itself against copyright claims for use of Controlled Digital Lending of books.
Why is Papa Johns in a class action suit claiming privacy violations for allegedly using session replay tools?
Papa Johns has been accused of the unauthorized use of session replay software that tracks data on consumer communications via a class action lawsuit filed in California.
Why is the DOJ filing lawsuits involving unregulated NFTs?
The Department of Justice filed a lawsuit against a former product manager for insider trader of NFTs for the first time this year.
Can mimicking another’s art style be deemed copyright infringement?
Read about an artist’s lawsuit with claims of copyright infringement due to use of similar art style.
Why is it important that the Supreme Court is hearing arguments on DMCA Section 1201?
Read about the Supreme Court hearing oral arguments regarding digital locks under the DMCA, which has been a sore subject for critics of the law.
How is Amazon fighting against counterfeit issues and helping brands and consumers from bad actors?
Amazon outlines its intent to be “earth’s most customer-centric company” where consumers “can find and discovery the widest possible selection of authentic goods” in presenting its progress through its 2022 brand protection report.
What are NDA key points to understand about confidential disclosures?
To help keep confidential information secure during investment and business venture disclosures, it is important to have a well drafted NDA.
Who owns IP rights in AI-generated artwork?
With the increased use of AI-generated content and artwork, there are questions as to the ownership of any resulting intellectual property.
Why is the US agreeing to enter into the TADP Framework with the EU?
The US and EU have agreed to enter into the Trans-Atlantic Data Privacy (TADP) to help govern how EU private data is handled by US companies and US intelligence agencies.
Why is the Peloton class action suit important to follow?
The District Court for the Southern District of New York ruled that a class action for deceptive practices against Peloton could proceed with claims of false advertising and deceptive practices.
What should essential clauses in a service contract cover?
Contracts should protect assets, deals, reputation, and, importantly, should help determine how litigation or a dispute will be resolved. So, a good contact will include 9 essential elements.
If artificial intelligence system creates an invention, can it be patented by the AI system?
Stephen Thaler’s efforts to have artificial intelligence named as inventor of patent shas been shut down again by a federal court indicating AI cannot patent.
Does NFT ownership include copyright or other IP rights?
Understanding NFTs and how to properly transfer IP ownership rights is important as copyright litigation continues to increase due to misunderstandings.
What can be learned from a review of changes in IP law in 2021?
A review of the changes in IP law in 2021 tends to show a need for greater protection, ways for facilitating such protection, need for increased monitoring and enforcement in social media, and a significant rise in the need for protection in Asia.
What should people know about investing in the Metaverse?
The Metaverse is said to become the next big thing in 2022 as celebrities, famous companies, and tech insiders hustle to buy up parcels of virtual land for a piece of it.
What is the TLDR Act proposed by Congress?
Recently, Congress has proposed a new TLDR Act to require that terms of use and service agreements include disclosures in layman terms to help consumers understand the agreements and the personal information being collected.
What did YouTube’s copyright transparency report reveal?
YouTube issues a copyright transparency report to provide information on copyright infringement on its platform and the tools and efficiency of those tools in combatting unauthorized content.
Why is a judiciary committee reviewing claims of patent litigation venue shopping in the US federal District Court of the Western District of Texas?
Supreme Court Justice John Roberts has acquiesced to the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Intellectual Property’s request to review the US District Court of the Western District of Texas for patent litigation venue shopping.
How is Google’s Street View settlement agreement important in privacy rights class action litigation?
Google allowed to settle Street View class action litigation with settlement payment to advocacy groups directly.
Can AI Invent Patents?
Dr. Stephen Thaler seeks to get his artificial intelligence, DABUS, to be recognized as a patent inventor in various countries.