What are Facebook’s latest challenges with the GDPR?

Under the GDPR, the EU’s recent decision against Facebook has caused Facebook to threaten termination of their services to the EU because:

  • Facebook believes that they have been unfairly targeted;

  • Facebook alleges that the DPC is not impartial and operates with extreme bias; and

  • Facebook believes that the three-week deadline handed down by the DPC is unfair, unreasonable, and impossible to meet.  

Read about Facebooks lawsuits against a DPC order.

Klemchuk LLP

This blog is published by Klemchuk LLP, a litigation, intellectual property, transactional, and international business law firm dedicated to protecting innovation. The firm provides tailored legal solutions to industries including software, technology, retail, real estate, consumer goods, ecommerce, telecommunications, restaurant, energy, media, and professional services.

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Do you read all your app notifications?  Some may contain important information about access to your private data.