Intellectual Property Law
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Patent, Trademark, Copyright, Trade Secret, and other Intellectual Property Law
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How can innocent companies avoid trademark infringement of third-party marks?
Buc-ee’s sued for trademark infringement claiming the use of a similar name, similar use of font and colors, is evidence of an attempt to trade off the Buc-ee’s brand.
Why did Tiffany settle with Costco after a long trademark dispute against Costco’s use of the Tiffany name?
Read about how Tiffany & Co. worked to best defend against infringing use of its mark while also protecting against the potential for invalidation of its mark.
How are damages calculated in Korean TM infringement cases?
Due to recent changes in law, it is now possible to get treble damages in certain Korean trademark litigation claims.
When is use of competitor trademarks considered trademark in infringement in PPC ads?
Learn about the key elements to plead in a PPC ad trademark infringement case in the Northern District of Texas.