What makes trade secret information protectable?

The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a significant trade secrets holding by:

  • The Plaintiff had imposed sufficient confidentiality measures for its trade secret to qualify for protection;

  • There had been no public disclosure of the secrets; and

  • The trade secrets were not readily ascertainable from public display.

Read about how Life Spine won against Aegis Spine for protection of trade secret information.

Klemchuk LLP

This blog is published by Klemchuk LLP, a litigation, intellectual property, transactional, and international business law firm dedicated to protecting innovation. The firm provides tailored legal solutions to industries including software, technology, retail, real estate, consumer goods, ecommerce, telecommunications, restaurant, energy, media, and professional services.

The firm publishes Ideate, a blog discussing the latest news and insights into intellectual property law, business, and culture.


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