Why is law enforcement weary of new encryption protocols for online privacy?

A recent announcement by Facebook to strengthen their encryption protocols have national and international law enforcement agencies worried that such protocols will hamper their ability to catch child pornographers that utilize Facebook and similar platforms.  As such, legal experts should be aware of: 

  • technology giants’ reasons for improving or introducing new encryption protocols;

  • how law enforcement uses social media platforms to track illicit activities such as child pornography; and

  • the inevitable clash between user privacy and the reach of the law.

Read about why privacy proponents and law enforcement are at odds regarding stricter encryption on online platforms.

Klemchuk LLP

This blog is published by Klemchuk LLP, a litigation, intellectual property, transactional, and international business law firm dedicated to protecting innovation. The firm provides tailored legal solutions to industries including software, technology, retail, real estate, consumer goods, ecommerce, telecommunications, restaurant, energy, media, and professional services.

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