Intellectual Property Law
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Patent, Trademark, Copyright, Trade Secret, and other Intellectual Property Law
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Why is Papa Johns in a class action suit claiming privacy violations for allegedly using session replay tools?
Papa Johns has been accused of the unauthorized use of session replay software that tracks data on consumer communications via a class action lawsuit filed in California.
Why are changes to COPPA being considered?
Read about representative Castor’s proposed changes to the PRIVCY Act and COPPA aimed to better protect children and teenagers online.
Why are the new FL and VA privacy laws making a trend toward tougher protections?
Read about Florida and Virginia implementing new state privacy laws.
What is the hype about Apple privacy labels meant to help with consumer privacy?
Apple reaches for transparency with consumers by requiring privacy labels on apps sold in the Apple app store, to identify what user data is collected and how it is used.
How will the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act affect businesses?
The Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act is set to provide consumers with safeguards for personal data privacy and require stringent regulations from businesses collecting consumer data.
What can help protect trade secrets when employees are allowed to work remotely?
Read about how to protect business assets in the new normal for business of employees working remotely.
Why is law enforcement weary of new encryption protocols for online privacy?
Read about the two different views between law enforcement efforts and consumer wishes for better privacy online.