Intellectual Property Law
Questions Answered
Patent, Trademark, Copyright, Trade Secret, and other Intellectual Property Law
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Why should trademark owners beware of trademark scams?
Trademark owners, with their marks canceled or abandoned due to trademark scams, should seek out experienced trademark counsel when attempting to re-establish their registration rights.
Why did Tiffany settle with Costco after a long trademark dispute against Costco’s use of the Tiffany name?
Read about how Tiffany & Co. worked to best defend against infringing use of its mark while also protecting against the potential for invalidation of its mark.
How has the increase in streaming services impacted the U.S. trademark office?
Read about the extended wait time for examination of U.S. trademark applications due to a surge in filings in 2021.
Was it IP infringement for Netflix to use the phrase, Tiger King?
The Tiger King saga continues with lawsuits claiming IP infringement. However, judge dismisses claims applying the Rogers test and finding first amendment rights.
How does a trademark become a holiday brand?
Companies spend significant effort in marketing and enforcement, all year long, to create brands that can be considered recognized holiday brands.
How are trademarks important and should I seek registration for federal protection?
Get answers to the most important trademark questions to ask when considering trademark protection.
What can brand owners do if their trademark use becomes inappropriate due to the pandemic?
Read about KFC’s approach to trademark use, without actual use, while its slogan is temporarily considered inappropriate in the global pandemic.
When is use of competitor trademarks considered trademark in infringement in PPC ads?
Learn about the key elements to plead in a PPC ad trademark infringement case in the Northern District of Texas.
What Is Goodwill and Why Should It Be Protected?
When considering the value of trademarks, one must look to the goodwill that has been built behind them. Goodwill is the value consumers associate with the source of specific goods and services. Therefore, in transferring trademark rights, the goodwill of the marks must be included.