Intellectual Property Law
Questions Answered
Patent, Trademark, Copyright, Trade Secret, and other Intellectual Property Law
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How is Amazon fighting against counterfeit issues and helping brands and consumers from bad actors?
Amazon outlines its intent to be “earth’s most customer-centric company” where consumers “can find and discovery the widest possible selection of authentic goods” in presenting its progress through its 2022 brand protection report.
Why should trademark owners beware of trademark scams?
Trademark owners, with their marks canceled or abandoned due to trademark scams, should seek out experienced trademark counsel when attempting to re-establish their registration rights.
How has the increase in streaming services impacted the U.S. trademark office?
Read about the extended wait time for examination of U.S. trademark applications due to a surge in filings in 2021.
Why did the FTC’s decision for bringing antitrust suits against 1-800 Contacts get overturned?
How the Second Circuit overruled an FTC decision against 1-800 Contacts.
Was it IP infringement for Netflix to use the phrase, Tiger King?
The Tiger King saga continues with lawsuits claiming IP infringement. However, judge dismisses claims applying the Rogers test and finding first amendment rights.
How does a trademark become a holiday brand?
Companies spend significant effort in marketing and enforcement, all year long, to create brands that can be considered recognized holiday brands.
What happens with UK trademark protection on January 1, 2021?
EU portfolio owners and trademark counsel should be aware of the changes to UK trademark rights and requirements as the end of the Brexit transition approaches.
What are the US trademark filing fees?
Trademark portfolio owners and trademark counsel should be aware that the USPTO is increasing the trademark filing fees in 2021.
How are trademarks important and should I seek registration for federal protection?
Get answers to the most important trademark questions to ask when considering trademark protection.
What are ways an owner can lose trademark rights?
Two ways to lose trademark rights are through naked licensing and trademark abandonment, which hinge on the proper transfer of goodwill and proper trademark use. However, there are nuances on what is considered goodwill as well as exceptions for non-use.
How can the Booking.com trademark decision affect IP law?
The decision for allowance of Booking.com as a trademark could have an effect on trademark law, enforcement, and the protection of generic terms.